CSA / Roadside Inspections

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CSA / Roadside Inspections

The CSA (Compliance, Safety, Accountability) program assigns severity points to safety violations under the BASICs (Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories) for both drivers and carriers.

  • Severity Points: Range from 1 (least severe) to 10 (most severe) depending on the violation’s seriousness.
  • Driver Impact: While individual drivers do not receive a CSA “rating,” their points directly affect their carrier’s CSA score.
  • PSP Reports: The same inspection and crash data contributing to a carrier’s CSA score also appear in a driver’s Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) report.

Understanding how your violations impact your carrier and your PSP report is crucial for maintaining a strong record. Let us help you defend and mitigate these issues.

For the full listing of points, see the FMCSA’s document on SMS methodology, available at SMSMethodology.pdf.

The measurement for each BASIC depends on

  1. Number. How many violations (or crashes) were there?
  2. Severity. How bad were they?
  3. Recency. How long ago did they happen?

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